Ford End Road, Bedford



The total site extends to circa 4.71 hectares (11.65 acres) and is broadly flat and level throughout.

The site is split into two separate titles. The northern parcel is held under title number BD218888 and extends to circa 2.70hectares (6.68 acres).

The southern parcel is held under BD218889 and extends to circa2.01 hectares (4.97 acres). The site comprises a mixture of hardstanding and overgrown vegetation with three former gas holder compounds within the southern parcel. A small area within the Property boundary is owned by Cadent Gas Limited.

The primary entrance into the site is located along the northern boundary via double hinged gates, directly off Ford End Road. There is a second access point into the site located along the eastern boundary, off Havelock Street. Cadent Gas Limited also benefit from a right of way over this access.


Planning Authority

Bedford Borough Council

Planning Note

Planning Policy within Bedford is determined by the adopted Local Development Framework (LDF). These are a set of documents which inform planning decisions in the Borough.

The site is allocated within the Council’s Allocations and Designations Local Plan, adopted in January 2020. The site is allocated for a mixture of Residential, Local Retail, Education and Open Space uses under Policy 12 as Land at Ford End Road, Bedford. This policy covers the site as well as the land surrounding it.

The site has an expired outline planning permission for 154 dwellings which covered the northern parcel, including 8 live-work units, and 9 employment units (B1 use class) totalling 836 sq. m. (9,000 sq. ft). Planning was granted in December 2003 under the application reference: 03/01660/OUT. A copy of the decision notice and the proposed scheme is enclosed within the Information Pack.

The site is not located within a Conservation Area, however there are a number of TPOs on the sitealong the northern boundary with Ford End Road – further TPO information is enclosed within the Information Pack.

Site Plan and Title Information

The site edged blue on the plan below is being offered for sale on a freehold basis. The site is held under title numbers BD218888 and BD218889 by National Grid Property Holdings Limited. The site is subject to various Deeds of Easement, these can be found in the information pack alongside a plan illustrating the extent of the pipeline easement.


The site has been remediated and associated factual environmental reports areavailable in the Information Pack.


We have not tested any of the service installations and provide no warranties as to their condition. Prospective purchasers should confirm the availability of services for their own proposals via the appropriate statutory undertaker.


The Information Pack contains the Deeds of Easement and associated Easement Plans. Please use these documents to make your assumptions in relation to the easement widths based on the Deeds.

Contact Agent

Felix Shepherd image

Felix Shepherd

Ella Harwood image

Ella Harwood
5 Aldermanbury Square, London, EC2V 7BP

07818 254079